Godfrey Phillips India made its foray into the chewing category by launching the premium pan masala brand, Pan Vilas, in the year 2010. In the first year of the launch itself, the brand has been successful in striking the right cord with the consumers.
Pan Vilas is a connoisseur’s delight. The delicately balanced blend and the rich trove of finest ingredients give Pan Vilas an unmatched and lingering taste. The brand does not contain the banned Magnesium Carbonate and thus goes a step further to ensure quality and establish trust. Pan Vilas is manufactured at Baramati, a state-of-the-art plant that employs some of the world’s most advanced food processing technologies in providing
a high quality, hygienic and impurity free experience. Immaculate packaging ensures that the promise of quality is met without compromises every time you pick a pack at the retail outlet.
Thus “Shauq badi cheez hai” embodies the passion with which we have created Pan Vilas and salutes the spirit of connoisseurs who will go to any lengths to fulfil their quest for the best. Taking ‘Shauq’ to the next level, Pan Vilas will continue to break new grounds and come up with more quality offerings and formats in the future.
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